Jenny and Vinnie's Wedding Celebration

Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Fruitvale - San Antonio Senior Center (at the Transit Village, 3301 E. 12 St.)

Jenny and Vinnie

Enjoying the Big Island of Hawaii


Welcome to the web page for our wedding celebration. This is not a huge formal wedding but simply a chance to meet with friends and family and celebrate our marriage. Below is some information regarding the event. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at or (replacing '_at_' with '@').


The location of our celebration is at the Fruitvale-San Antonio Senior Center at the Fruitvale BART Transit Village. Two maps of the area are below. The first is the general area and the second is the immediate site. Directions are below that. Google Maps is your friend!

Oakland is a confusing place to get around!  It has numbered avenues and streets that are totally different.  So if you say “I live at 555 18th” that could be at two possible locations which are pretty far from each other!  To make things more confusing, the area south of downtown Oakland is called “east Oakland,” not south Oakland.  And the streets (but not the avenues) in this area are preceded by the word “east.”  So, our party is at 3301 East 12th Street.  It is not at 3301 12th Street or at 3301 12th Avenue.  Just remember, we are at the corner of East 12th Street and 34th Avenue, right next to the Fruitvale BART station.  If you find yourself lost, please call one of our cell phones – (510) 529-1860 or (650) 863-6549.


San Francisco, Berkeley, downtown Oakland and all points north

From Fremont and all points south

We have reserved rooms at two hotels, the Marriot in Downtown Oakland and the Donatello in San Francisco near Union Square.

Marriot - Downtown Oakland

Marriot Click here to reserve a room at the Marriot. This page has the group code included which should give you the discounted rate of $109.00.

Donatello Hotel in San Francisco

Click here to reserve a room at the Donatello.

The rate is $169.00 + 14% hotel tax and 1.5% TID Fee, King Occupancy for Superior/Deluxe Accommodations. The rate for parking is $28.00 per day plus 14% tax.

Jenny and Vinnie are requesting that you do not bring any gifts. If you are in the giving mood, we would prefer that you donate to a couple of our favorite charities.

Unity Council

    Donate to the Unity Council

Sierra Club

    Donate to the SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club

Vinnie Jenny